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Value Added Courses

  • CERTIFICATE COURSE IN OFFSHORE CATERING: About the Course - The Offshore Catering Course involves the employment of personnel responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of accommodation and living spaces. They attend to the MessRoom of officers & crew to serve food onboard Oil Rigs & Platforms, Accommodation Barges, Jackup Barges, and Cargo Barges.
  • HELICOPTER UNDERWATER ESCAPE TECHNIQUES (HUET): This course aims to provide passengers and aircrew with the knowledge and confidence to assist in their survival in the event of a helicopter ditching at sea. Upon completion, participants will be able to demonstrate competence in both theory and practice.
  • HYDROGEN SULPHIDE SAFETY: This course is designed to advise and prepare delegates for the possible encounter of Hydrogen Sulphide in an offshore environment. It is intended for personnel that may be required to enter H2S designated areas and who may potentially be exposed to hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
  • OFFSHORE CRANE OPERATOR: Offshore Crane Operators are responsible for operating the crane on the rig and offloading from the supply ships. They serve as the Roustabout's foreman and provide supervision to the roustabouts, as well as the Assistant Crane Operator when loading and unloading supplies for the supply ships, as well as moving equipment on the rig decks. Offshore crane operators are required to have an Offshore Crane Operator Certificate. Additionally, they should have experience working as a rigger roustabout.
  • MARITIME ENGLISH: It provides knowledge, skills, speech, confidence familiarization to conduct evaluations in various situations on board the ship to run smoothly. It improves the power of command and understanding while conducting operations on board. It develops the Marine English speaking power, testing skill, and certification for seagoing officers and ratings.
  • INTERNATIONAL SHIP & PORT FACILITY SECURITY CODE (ISPS): In essence, the Code takes the approach that ensuring the security of ships and port facilities is basically a risk management activity and that to determine what security measures are appropriate, an assessment of the risks must be made in each particular case.
  • BTM
  • BRM
  • SOC
  • Crew safety course
  • ERM